Coupons, Kids

Melissa & Doug

Join Our Treasured Toy & Birthday Club & receive 10% Off Your Next Order! (You will receive an email within 48 hours with a special coupon to save 10%! One use per customer.)& 15% Off Orders Placed During Your Birthday Month & Your Child’s Birthday


Crafty Coupons

Here are some craft store coupons.  These are the places I go. They usually have weekly coupons, so if you miss this week there’s always next week.  If you know of any other craft stores let me know. Michaels Joann 50% off one regular priced item and free shipping with $40 purchase Printable coupons AC Moore Printable Coupons Hobby Lobby

Coupons, Kids

Barnes and Noble Summer Reading

Since summer is right around the corner, I figured I’d would look up the Barnes and Noble reading program.  My son did it last year and was able to get a free book after he was done. All you have to do is locate a store near you and download the pdf.  Once you read eight books then you get…

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Bath & Body Works Semi Annual Sale

Save up to 75%  off select items.  You can also use the online code: HELLOSALE20 to save an extra 20% (Expires July 8, 2012) I’ve always loved this store and I may have to splurge a bit.